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At Skin Bio, we have several Lasers + Devices that treat a variety of skin conditions. These include Microneedling, Laser Resurfacing, Ultherapy, and CoolScultping.



At Skin Bio, we have several Lasers + Devices that treat a variety of skin conditions. These include Laser Resurfacing, Ultherapy, and CoolScultping.



If you're looking for a laser treatment to improve your skin's texture, this is the one!
Laser Resurfacing improves fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, pore size,
and stretchmarks leaving behind smoother, brighter skin.




Laser resurfacing is done using the ResurFx. ResurFx is a traditional laser, it uses a 1565nm fiber laser to deliver fractional non-ablative energy to treat a wide range of textural skin conditions including fine lines and wrinkles, scarring, pore size, and stretchmarks.  

Our favorite laser resurfacing treatments include fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, crepiness on the neck or chest, and stretchmarks on the breasts, tummy, and hips.




Laser Resurfacing $800 per session
Ultherapy $1500+
CoolSculpting $750+



Laser Resurfacing $800 per session
Ultherapy $1500+
CoolSculpting $750+




A topical anesthetic may be applied before laser resurfacing to maximize your comfort during the procedure. This numbing cream is provided at the time of booking your appointment (or you may arrive 1 hour early to your appointment), and you can apply it to the area being treated 1 hour before your procedure. 

Once you are comfy, a Non-ablative fractionated laser is transmitted through a continuously cooled crystal applicator, gently placed over the skin. Our device allows us to choose from more than 600 combinations of shape, size, and density for optimal treatment. Unlike other fractional lasers, the ResurFx needs only one pass to be effective, and the advanced scanner places each fractional spot in a controlled manner to protect your skin from heat accumulation and overheating. The discomfort is mild and can be described as hot and prickly, or rubber band snap. The average treatment time is 30 minutes.




Downtime is different for every patient, and depends on how superficial or deep your laser resurfacing treatment is. Immediately after your laser resurfacing treatment, you can expect redness and swelling similar to a mild sunburn which typically subsides in 1-3 days. It's possible to have peeling or scabbing that may last 1-2 weeks. Bruising is not common. 

After your laser resurfacing treatment, we recommend icing your face and relaxing to minimize swelling. We recommend gentle skincare and no retinoids for 1-2 weeks, which can be resumed once you're no longer red or dry. 

You should plan on it taking 4-8 weeks to see your final results. Most patients initially do 1-3 sessions of laser resurfacing done 8 weeks apart, with 1-2 maintenance sessions per year.



Want a lift for loose, sagging skin without surgery?
Ultherapy, a non-invasive treatment, goes deeper to stimulate production of your body's own collagen and elastin,
for natural-looking results without surgery or downtime.  





Ultherapy is the only FDA-cleared, non-invasive procedure that lifts the lower face, chin, neck and brow, and improves lines and wrinkles on the chest and body. That's why Ultherapy is considered the Gold Standard for nonsurgical lifting and skin tightening with just one treatment! 

Ultherapy is a non-invasive procedure that uses gentle ultrasound to lift and tighten loose or sagging skin of the face and body over time, without any downtime. Unlike laser, Ultherapy uses high-intensity focused ultrasound to heat up tissue in the deepest layers of the skin, right above the muscle. This mimics skin injury and stimulates wound repair in the body, resulting over time in more of your body's natural collagen and elastin, skin tightening, and an improvement in fine lines and wrinkles for firmer, healthier skin. 

Our favorite Ultherapy treatments include tightening and lifting loose, crepey skin on the lower face, chin, neck, brow, chest, and knees. 




Ultherapy $1500+



Ultherapy $1500+



Ultherapy to tighten face and neck | Individual Results May Vary

Ultherapy to tighten face and neck | Individual Results May Vary

Ultherapy to contour chin and jawline | Individual Results May Vary

Ultherapy to contour chin and jawline | Individual Results May Vary

Ultherapy for forehead and brow lift | Individual Results May Vary

Ultherapy for forehead and brow lift | Individual Results May Vary

Ultherapy to improve chin | Individual Results May Vary

Ultherapy to improve chin | Individual Results May Vary




+ Does Ultherapy hurt?

During your Ultherapy procedure, you are numb from the topical anesthetic. However there is still moderate discomfort, a sensation described as prickly hot or a rubber band snap. If you know you have a low pain threshold, tell your Nurse Practitioner so that she may recommend a prescription to reduce pain and anxiety associated with the procedure. Prescription is entirely optional. After the procedure, there is no discomfort.

+ Are there any side effects from Ultherapy?

There may be slight redness that typically resolves within a few hours following the procedure. Some patients may have slight swelling, tingling, or tenderness, but these are mild and temporary. A rare side effect may be uneven smile from nerve agitation. This may take several weeks to completely resolve, and is always temporary.

+ Can Ultherapy replace a facelift?

Ultherapy treats the deep foundational layer addressed in cosmetic surgery, but won't duplicate the results of a surgical facelift. Ultherapy is a great alternative, especially for those not ready for surgery.

+ Can Ultherapy treat turkey neck?

As the only non-invasive procedure FDA-cleared to lift skin on the neck, Ultherapy is designed to treat "turkey neck" , one of the common signs of aging skin. Ultherapy can help you achieve a fresher look without surgery or downtime in just one treatment!

+ Am I too young for Ultherapy?

A good candidate for Ultherapy is someone with some degree of laxity, to the point of looking and feeling less firm. Loose skin under the neck and chin, or lines and wrinkles on the chest, are signs you might be a good candidate. Typically, those in their 30s and older who have mild to moderate laxity are candidates. While it's not a replacement for a surgical facelift, there are many people who want some facial lifting but are not ready for surgery. Ultherapy is a great option for delaying surgery, or after surgery doing it for age maintenance.



Reduce the bulge! When stubborn fat just won't budge with diet and exercise,
CoolSculpting can take you further. 





The unique CoolSculpting fat-freezing technology is a nonsurgical, scientifically proven way to reduce pockets of fat in trouble spots such as the abdomen, flanks, or under the chin in as little as one session. We see up to 20-25% reduction in fat layer thickness after a single session. Results may be seen as early as 4 weeks, with full results in 3 months. 

Our favorite CoolSculpting treatments include 9 different areas of the body: chin, upper arms, abdomen, flanks, bra and back fat, inner and outer thighs, and saddlebags or "banana roll".  We also see fantastic results when treating men with gynecomastia, aka excessive breast tissue. 



It's technical name is cryolipolysis, which is just a science-y way to say fat freezing. Scientists spent years developing the treatment, which features one-of-a-kind technology that quite literally freezes and kills fat cells. Once that happens, your body's lymph system will naturally eliminate the dead cells in 1-3 months or more, resulting in up to 20-25% reduction of fat in a treated area. This process happens gradually, so you won't necessarily notice a difference in your day-to-day life. 

Our preset amount of fat cells is determined in childhood, and we do not create new fat cells in adulthood. As adults, our preset fat cells expand or shrink as we gain and lose weight. By reducing the ratio of fat cells in a particular area using CoolScultping or Kybella, when you gain weight fat will not deposit as greatly in the areas treated. 




CoolSculpting $750+



CoolSculpting $750+




During your CoolSculpting consultation, our Nurse Practitioner will discuss your individual treatment plan and select the appropriate applicator for your needs.

During your CoolSculpting procedure, our Nurse Practitioner will premark the area and prep the skin with an alcohol pad. Next, we apply a clear gel pad to the treatment area. This creates a barrier between the cooling panel and your skin. You'll feel a slight sucking sensation as the applicator adheres to your body. At this time, you may experience sensations of pulling, tugging, mild pinching, and intense cold at the treatment site. These sensations subside within 6-8 minutes as the area becomes numb. During the treatment you will be able lay back and chill: read, answer emails, or chat with a friend. The procedure takes approximately 35 minutes per area. After the applicator is detached, our Nurse Practitioner will do a brief massage on the area to break up the treated fat cells and enhance the fat reduction. That's it!




Most patients experience little to no downtime after treatment. Immediately after the applicator is detached, the skin will appear flushed but this quickly subsides within a few hours. Swelling and bruising is not common. After CoolSculpting, you may immediately return to work. No exercise is permitted for the rest of the day, and you may resume exercise the following day. Some patients experience tenderness and numbness in the treated area, this is normal and subsides with a few days to weeks. 

Results may appear in 4 weeks, and gradually takes full effect in 3 months. One treatment with CoolSculpting reduces up to 20-25% of fat cells in the treated area. You may need more than one treatment to reach your desired results and get the most out of your CoolSculpting experience.




I diet and exercise well, but after I hit menopause I couldn't seem to lose my muffin top. So I froze it with Coolsculpting and got rid of my stubborn pooch!

- Cory, Calabasas, CA  



I diet and exercise well, but after I hit menopause I couldn't seem to lose my muffin top. So I froze it with Coolsculpting and got rid of my stubborn pooch!

- Cory, Calabasas, CA  




+ Am I a candidate for CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a fat-reduction treatment for men and women who want to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat in certain areas of their body that are resistant to diet and exercise. CoolSculpting is not a weight loss procedure, instead it helps sculpt your body in certain areas. You'll find clothes fit better and feel better on you.

CoolSculpting is not recommended if you have a history of cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. Tell your Nurse Practitioner if you have any medical conditions including recent surgery, pre-existing hernia, and any known sensitivities or allergies.

+ What's the difference between CoolScultping and Kybella?

CoolScultping is ideal for fat reduction for targeting areas on your lower body. If you want to get rid of a double chin, you might want to consider Kybella.

Kybella is an FDA approved injectable solution that can enhance your profile by getting rid of excess fat under your skin (submental fullness). This type of injectable is a synthetic deoxycholic acid that breaks down fat and improves fat absorption.

By injecting Kybella into specific areas along your jawline and under our chin, fat cells immediately begin to shrink and break down. Over the following few weeks, you should notice a visibly more defined profile.

+ Is CoolSculpting permanent?

Yes! While results with both CoolSculpting and Kybella are permanent, fat deposits can come back if you gain weight.

+ How many treatments will I need?

You might need additional follow up treatments depending on how your body responds. You may need to treat the surrounding area--such as your flanks or upper stomach if you had your lower stomach done- to provide even better results.

+ Will I have loose skin after taking the fat out using CoolScultping?

NO! CoolSclutping is also FDA-cleared to provide thightening to loose skin, and improve the appearance of lax tissue with submental area treatments.